Search components

Search components are used to describe a group of computers for creating a computer group, or for specifying the relevance for a Fixlet, task, baseline, or analysis. Applicability is defined by a combination of three types of components, relevance, property reference and group reference.

This is the schema:

    Comparison="xs:normalizedString (possible values: {’IsTrue’|
        ’IsFalse’}) [0..1]"> [0..*]
    <Relevance> RelevanceString </Relevance> [1]
    Contains a relevance expression and a comparison {’IsTrue’|’IsFalse’}.
    A computer is in the group if the expression is true for that computer
    and the comparison is 'IsTrue' or the expression is false and
    the comparison is 'IsFalse'.
<SearchComponentPropertyReference PropertyName="xs:normalizedString [0..1]"
    Comparison="xs:normalizedString (possible values:
    {’Contains’|’DoesNotContain’|’Equals’|’DoesNotEqual’}) [0..1]"> [0..*]
    <SearchText> xs:normalizedString </SearchText> [1]
    <Relevance> RelevanceString </Relevance> [1]
    Contains a retrieved property name, a comparison {’Contains’ |
    ’DoesNotContain’ | ’Equals’ | ’DoesNotEqual’}, and text
    against which to compare the property result. A computer is in the group
    if its result for the property meets the comparison with the specified text.
    GroupName="xs:normalizedString [0..1]"
    Comparison="xs:normalizedString (value comes from list:
    {’IsMember’|’IsNotMember’}) [0..1]" />Contains another computer
    group name and a comparison {’IsMember’|’IsNotMember’}. A computer
    is in the current group if it is in the other group and
    the comparison is 'IsMember', or if it is not in the other group and
    the comparison is 'IsNotMember'.