
The contents of the ActionSettings element correspond to the options available on the Execution, Users, Messages, Offer, and Post-Action tabs of the Take Action Dialog. This is the schema:

    <ActionUITitle> xs:normalizedString </ ActionUITitle > [0..1]
        The title of the message action as displayed in the client UI.
    <PreActionShowUI> xs:boolean </PreActionShowUI> [0..1]
        If true, a message is displayed before running the action.
    <PreAction> [0..1]
        <Text> xs:string </Text> [0..1]
            The text of the message shown before running the action.
        <AskToSaveWork> xs:boolean </AskToSaveWork> [0..1]
            If true, the user is asked to save work before
            the action is run.
        <ShowActionButton> xs:boolean </ShowActionButton> [0..1]
            If true, the user is allowed to view the action script
            before running it.
        <ShowCancelButton> xs:booelan </ShowCancelButton> [0..1]
            If true, the user is allowed to cancel running
            the action.
        <DeadlineBehavior> xs:string (possible values {ForceToRun|
        </DeadlineBehavior> [0..1]
            All pre-action messages have a deadline. If the
            deadline behavior is 'ForceToRun', the user will
            be presented with a dialog that must be acknowledged
            when the deadline is reached. If the deadline behavior
            is 'RunAutomatically', the action will run when the
            deadline is reached, regardless of whether the user has
            acknowledged the action.
        <DeadlineType> xs:string (possible values {Interval|Aboslute})
        </DeadlineType> [0..1]
        <DeadlineInterval> ActionMessageTimeInterval
        </DeadlineInterval> [0..1]
        <DeadlineOffset> TimeInteval </DeadlineOffset> [0..1]
            The pre-action deadline can be specified as either a
            time interval from when the client UI is shown, or as
            an absolute date and time. If the deadline type is
            'Interval', then the 'DeadlineInterval' element must
            be present with an appropriate time interval of type
            ActionMessageTimeInterval. If the deadline type is
            'Absolute', then the 'DeadlineOffset' element must
            be present with a TimeInterval, which will create
            an absolute deadline for the action that is offset
            from the date and time the action is taken in the console.
        <ShowConfirmation> xs:boolean </ShowConfirmation> [0..1]
        <Confirmation> xs:string </Confirmation> [0..1]
            If 'ShowConfirmation' is true, an extra confirmation message
            is shown to the user with text from the
            'Confirmation' element.
    <HasRunningMessage> xs:boolean </HasRunningMessage> [0..1]
        If true, a message is displayed while running the action.
    <RunningMessage> [0..1]
        <Title> xs:normalizedString </Title> [0..1]
            The title of message displayed while running the action.
        <Text> xs:string </Text> [0..1]
            The text of the message displayed while running the action.
    <HasTimeRange> xs:boolean </HasTimeRange> [0..1]
    <TimeRange> [0..1]
        <StartTime> xs:time </StartTime> [0..1]
        <EndTime> xs:time </EndTime> [0..1]
        If HasTimeRange is true, then the action will run only between
        the StartTime and EndTime in client local time.
        Times have the form hh:mm:ss.
    <HasStartTime> xs:boolean </HasStartTime> [0..1]
    <StartDateTimeOffset> TimeInterval </StartDateTimeOffset> [0..1]
        If HasStartTime is true, then the action will start at a date
        and time computed by adding the StartDateTimeOffset to
        the time the action is taken. For example, to have an
        action start one day from the time it is taken, specify
        “P1D”. Note that this time can be negative – to create
        an action that starts a day before the action is taken
        (so that clients in every timezone will start executing
        immediately), specify “-P1D”. See TimeInterval for possible values.
    <HasEndTime> xs:boolean </HasEndTime> [0..1]
    <EndDateTimeOffset> NonNegativeTimeInterval </EndDateTimeOffset> [0..1]
        If HasEndTime is true, then the action will start at a date and
        time computed by adding the EndDateTimeOffset to the time the
        action is taken. See NonNegativeTimeInterval for possible values.
    <HasDayOfWeekConstraint> xs:boolean </HasDayOfWeekConstraint> [0..1]
    <DayOfWeekConstraint> [0..1]
        <Sun> xs:boolean </Sun> [0..1]
        <Mon> xs:boolean </Mon> [0..1]
        <Tue> xs:boolean </Tue> [0..1]
        <Wed> xs:boolean </Wed> [0..1]
        <Thu> xs:boolean </Thu> [0..1]
        <Fri> xs:boolean </Fri> [0..1]
        <Sat> xs:boolean </Sat> [0..1]
        If HasDayOfWeekConstraint is true, then the action will run only
        on those days of the week that are specified and whose contents
        are true.
    <ActiveUserRequirement> xs:string (value comes from list: {’NoRequirement’|
    </ActiveUserRequirement> [0..1]
        NoRequirement = Run independently of user presence
        RequireUser = Run when at least one of the selected users is logged on
        RequireNoUser = Run only when no user is logged on
    <ActiveUserType> xs:string (value vomes from list: {'AllUsers'|'LocalUsers'|
    </ActiveUserType> [0..1]
        <Win9xGroup /> [0..1]
        <WinNTGroup /> [0..1]
        <LocalGroup Name=”xs:string” /> [0..*]
        <DomainGroup Name=”xs:string” Sid=”xs:string” /> [0..*]
        If the ActiveUserType is 'UsersOfGroups', then the client UI will
        only be shown to a user if a user is in at least one of
        the specified groups.
    <HasWhose> xs:boolean </HasWhose> [0..1]
    <Whose> [0..1]
        <Property> xs:string </Property> [0..1]
        <Relation> xs:string </Relation> [0..1]
        <Value> xs:string </Value> [0..1]
        If HasWhose is true, then the action will run only on computers
        where the retrieved property named in Property has the relationship
        given in Relation to the value in Value. For example, to add
        the constraint that the action runs only on computers where the
        value of the retrieved property OS starts with Win:
    <Relation>starts with</Relation>
        The possible values of relation are {matches, does not match,
        contains, does not contain, starts with, ends
        with, =, <, >, <=, >=, !=}
    <Reapply> xs:boolean </Reapply> [0..1]
        If true, the action will automatically reapply if it becomes
        relevant again after it has successfully executed.
    <HasReapplyLimit> xs:boolean </HasReapplyLimit> [0..1]
    <ReapplyLimit> xs:nonNegativeInteger </ReapplyLimit> [0..1]
        If the action is set to reapply and HasReapplyLimit is true, then
        the action will only reapply the specified number of times.
    <HasReapplyInterval> xs:boolean </HasReapplyInterval> [0..1]
    <ReapplyInterval> NonNegativeTimeInterval (possible values:
    </ReapplyInterval> [0..1]
        If the action is set to reapply and HasReapplyInterval is true,
        then the client will wait the specified time interval between
        reapplications. The possible values are in the list above.
        See TimeInterval for information about the value format.
    <HasRetry> xs:boolean </HasRetry> [0..1]
    <RetryCount> xs:nonNegativeInteger </RetryCount> [0..1]
        If HasRetry is true, the action is retried on failure
        the number of times specified in RetryCount.
        Behavior="xs:string (value comes from list: {’WaitForReboot’|
            ’WaitForInterval’}) [0..1]"> [0..1]
        RetryWaitInterval (TimeInterval)
        If the action is set to retry and the attribute Behavior of
        the RetryWait element is WaitForReboot, the computer must
        be rebooted before the action is retried. If the
        Behavior is WaitForInterval, then the action is retried
        after the time interval specified inside the RetryWait tag.
        The possible values are:
        See TimeInterval for more information about the value format.
    <HasTemporalDistribution> xs:boolean </HasTemporalDistribution> [0..1]
    <TemporalDistribution> NonNegativeTimeInterval
    </TemporalDistribution> [0..1]
        If HasTemporalDistribution is true, then the action will
        be distributed over the time duration specified in
        TemporalDistribution to reduce network load.
        Behavior="xs:string (value comes from list: {’Nothing’|’Restart’| ’Shutdown’}) [0..1]"> [0..1]
        If the Behavior attribute is Restart or Shutdown, the
        computer is restarted or shutdown (respectively) after
        the action completes.
    <AllowCancel> xs:boolean </AllowCancel> [0..1]
        If true, the user is allowed to cancel the
    <PostActionDeadlineBehavior> xs:string (value comes from list
    </PostActionDeadlineBehavior> [0..1]
    <PostActionDeadlineInterval> ActionMessageTimeInterval
    </PostActionDeadlineInterval> [0..1]
        When a restart/shutdown is specified, the restart/shutdown will
        always have a deadline. If the deadline behavior is 'ForceToRun',
        the user is forced to acknowledge the restart/shutdown when
        the deadline is reached. If the deadline behavior is
        'RunAutomatically', the restart/shutdown will happen
        automatically, regardless of user acknowledgement. The deadline
        interval is specified in the PostActionDeadlineInterval.
    <Title> xs:normalizedString </Title> [0..1]
        The title of the message displayed before the restart/shutdown.
    <Text> xs:string </Text> [0..1]
        The text of the message displayed before the restart/shutdown.