
By default, all the action settings specified are used as the new defaults to the Take Action Dialog. Certain settings might be locked so that the user cannot change them through the dialog. If a setting in ActionSettingsLocks is set to true, then the corresponding group of settings in ActionSettings is locked.

For example, if the TimeRange element of ActionSettingsLocks is true, then the values specified in ActionSettings for HasTimeRange, StartTime, and EndTime cannot be changed in the Take Action Dialog.

This is the schema:

    <ActionUITitle> xs:boolean </ActionUITitle> [0..1]
    <PreActionShowUI> xs:boolean </PreActionShowUI> [0..1]
        <MessageTitle> xs:boolean </MessageTitle> [0..1]
        <MessageText> xs:boolean </MessageText> [0..1]
        <AskToSaveWork> xs:boolean </AskToSaveWork> [0..1]
        <ShowActionButton> xs:boolean </ShowActionButton > [0..1]
        <ShowCancelButton> xs:boolean </ShowCancelButton > [0..1]
        <DeadlineBehavior> xs:boolean </DeadlineBehavior > [0..1]
        <ShowConfirmation> xs:boolean </ShowConfirmation> [0..1]
    <HasRunningMessage> xs:boolean </HasRunningMessage> [0..1]
    <RunningMessage> [0..1]
        <Title> xs:boolean </Title> [0..1]
        <Text> xs:boolean </Text> [0..1]
    <TimeRange> xs:boolean </TimeRange> [0..1]
    <StartDateTimeOffset> xs:boolean </StartDateTimeOffset> [0..1]
    <EndDateTimeOffset> xs:boolean </EndDateTimeOffset> [0..1]
    <DayOfWeekConstraint> xs:boolean </DayOfWeekConstraint> [0..1]
    <ActiveUserRequirement> xs:boolean </ActiveUserRequirement> [0..1]
    <Whose> xs:boolean </Whose> [0..1]
    <Reapply> xs:boolean </Reapply> [0..1]
    <ReapplyLimit> xs:boolean </ReapplyLimit> [0..1]
    <ReapplyInterval> xs:boolean </ReapplyInterval> [0..1]
    <RetryCount> xs:boolean </RetryCount> [0..1]
    <RetryWait> xs:boolean </RetryWait> [0..1]
    <TemporalDistribution> xs:boolean </TemporalDistribution> [0..1]
    <PostActionBehavior> [0..1]
        <Behavior> xs:boolean </Behavior> [0..1]
        <AllowCancel> xs:boolean </AllowCancel> [0..1]
        <Deadline> xs:boolean </Deadline> [0..1]
        <Title> xs:boolean </Title> [0..1]
        <Text> xs:boolean </Text> [0..1]