Domain Inspectors

Use these Inspectors to manage BigFix domains. Domains are collections of sites that constitute a product, such as Patch.

BES Domain

In the BES Console, domains are represented as high-level buttons on the left side of the screen. Listing the domains for the Console yields all the currently loaded domains. In Web Reports, only those domains with at least one visible report are listed.

Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.

BES Domain Set

These Inspectors return the current collection of BES Domains as a set, which can be manipulated by intersection, union, and more.

Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.

BES Domain with Multiplicity

These Inspectors handle sets of BES Domains, allowing you to extract unique domains and count them. This object type is derived from the type and therefore shares the same properties as that type.

Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.