Computer Inspectors
Use these Inspectors to query and manage the computers that can be listed on the BigFix Console.
BES Computer
These Inspectors return lists of the computers currently visible from the BES Console.
Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.
names of administered computers of bes user whose (name of it is "Joe")
Returns the list of computers currently administered by the BES User named Joe.
links (h1 of name of it) of bes computers
Returns a list of HTML strings, each with an HTML link named after the BES computer and formatted as a header (h1).
links (name of it & "(" & id of it as string & ")")) of bes computers
Returns an HTML string that will print the name and ID of the computer inside a clickable <A>
(br & html "Click <A href='" & link href of it & html "'>here</A> to open computer " & id of it as string) of bes computers
Returns an html string such as 'Click here to open computer 89201' message that, when clicked, will open the corresponding BES computer document.
detailed status of result from (bes action whose (id of it is 1234)) of (bes computer whose (id of it is 1234567))
Returns the detailed status of the specified action on the given computer.
size of (set of bes computers)
This Inspector returns the date the action was issued, a parameter which is added to each action by the BigFix Console.
detailed status of result from (bes computer whose (id of it is 1234567)) of (bes action whose (id of it is 1234))
Returns the detailed status of the specified action on the given computer.
size of (set of bes computers)
Returns the current number of BES computers.
(id of it, name of it) of management extensions of bes computers whose (correlation flag of it)
Gets the ID and the name of all the extensions of all the correlated devices.
BES Computer Set
These Inspectors convert an iterated list of computers into a set, which allows you to perform intersections, unions, and other mathematical operations on them.
Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.
size of union of applicable computer sets of bes fixlets whose ((source severity of it is "Critical") and (current date - source release date of it > 7 * day)) as floating point / size of bes computer set as floating point
Calculates the ratio of computers that have at least one relevant critical Fixlet released more than 1 week ago.
BES Computer with Multiplicity
These Inspectors handle arrays of BES computers, allowing you to extract unique computers and count them.
This object type is derived from the <bes computer>
type and therefore shares the same properties as that type.
Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.
BES Computer with Extensions
These Inspectors return an iterated list of computers along with their management extensions.
Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.
(name of it, correlation id of it) of bes computer with extensions whose (extension flag of it)
Gets the extension name and the correlation ID of each extension of correlated devices. From all computers and extensions, this relevance only picks the extensions and returns their name paired with the correlation ID of their correlated device.
(name of it, id of it) of bes computer with extensions whose (not correlation flag of it and agent type of it = "Native")
Gets the name and the ID of all the native devices in the deployment, excluding the correlated devices.
BES Computer with Extensions Set
These Inspectors convert an iterated list of computers and their extensions into a set, which allows you to perform intersections, unions, and other mathematical operations on them.
Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.
BES Computer Group
These Inspectors return an iterated list of computer groups, as defined in the BES Console.
Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.
names of bes computer groups
Returns a list of the currently defined computer groups, by name.
size of (set of bes computer groups)
Returns the current number of computer groups.
BES Computer Group Set
These Inspectors convert an iterated list of computer groups into a set, which allows you to perform intersections, unions, and other mathematical operations on them.
Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.
names of elements of intersection of administered computer sets of bes users whose (name of it is "joe" or name of it is "sue")
Returns a list of the names of those computers administered by both Sue and Joe.
BES Computer Group with Multiplicity
These Inspectors handle arrays of BES computer groups, allowing you to extract unique computer groups and count them.
This object type is derived from the
Click here to access the page describing these inspectors.