bes domain

BES Domains are collections of sites that constitute a product, such as Patch Management. In the BES Console, domains are represented as the high-level buttons on the left side of the screen. Listing the domains for the Console yields all the currently loaded domains. In Web Reports, only those domains with at least one visible report are listed.

Version Platforms
8.0.584.0 Session


bes domain : bes domain
bes domain <string> : bes domain
current domain : bes domain
domain of <bes action> : bes domain
domain of <bes filter> : bes domain
domain of <bes fixlet> : bes domain
domain of <bes site> : bes domain
element of <bes domain set> : bes domain


action of <bes domain> : bes action
action set of <bes domain> : bes action set
computer group of <bes domain> : bes computer group
computer group set of <bes domain> : bes computer group set
custom fixlet of <bes domain> : bes fixlet
custom fixlet set of <bes domain> : bes fixlet set
custom site of <bes domain> : bes site
custom site set of <bes domain> : bes site set
display name of <bes domain> : string
filter of <bes domain> : bes filter
filter set of <bes domain> : bes filter set
id of <bes domain> : string
name of <bes domain> : string
