
Note: For information about how to specify a site, see Hints about BigFix REST API requests.

/api/tasks/{site type}/{site name}
Fetches a list of tasks of a particular site.

Request: URL is all that is required

Response: BESAPI description of contained task resources.

Schema: BESAPI.xsd

/api/tasks/{site type}/{site name}
Creates a task in the specified site.

Request: Complete XML for the object in the body of the request

Request Schema: BES.xsd

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd

/api/task/{site type}/{site name}/{task id}
Returns the details of the specified task.

Request: URL is all that is required

Response: XML of task.

Response Schema: BES.xsd

/api/task/{site type}/{site name}/{task id}
Updates a task.

Request: Complete XML for the object in the body of the request.

Request Schema: BES.xsd

Response: Task ID.

/api/task/{site type}/{site name}
Creates a task in the specified site.

Request: Complete XML for the object in the body of the request.

Request Schema: BES.xsd

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd

Note: For backward compatibility, this action still accepts an id but ignore it even if referencing a non-existing object.

/api/task/{site type}/{site name}/{task id}
Deletes a task.

Request: URL is all that is required.

/api/task/{site type}/{site name}/{task id}/computers
Retrieves the list of computers that are relevant for this task.

Request: URL is all that is required.

Response: XML list of computers.

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd