
Note: For information about how to specify a site, see Hints about BigFix REST API requests.

analyses/{site type}/{site name}
Fetches a list of analyses in the specified site.

Request: URL is all that is required.

Response: XML list of Analysis.

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd

analyses/{site type}/{site name}
Create an analysis in the specified site.

Request: Complete XML for the objects in the body of the request.

Request Schema: BES.xsd

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd

analysis/{site type}/{site name}/{analysis id}
Get the XML for a specific analysis.

Request: URL is all that is required.

Response: BES XML of Object

Response Schema: BES.xsd

analysis/{site type}/{site name}/{analysis id}
Update an analysis.

Request: Complete XML for the object in the body of the request.

Request Schema: BES.xsd

Response: Analysis ID number.

analysis/{site type}/{site name}
Create an analysis with the supplied XML in the specified site.

Request: Complete XML for the object in the body of the request.

Request Schema: BES.xsd

Response Schema: BES.xsd

Note: For backward compatibility, this action still accepts an id but ignore it even if referencing a non-existing object.

analysis/{site type}/{site name}/{analysis id}
Delete and deactivate an analysis.

Request: URL is all that is required.

analysis/{site type}/{site name}/{analysis id}/activations
List of analysis activations.

Request: URL is all that is required.

Response: XML for list of activations.

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd

analysis/{site type}/{site name}/{analysis id}/activations
Create a new activation for the current operator.

Request: No body is required, the activation will be created as the operator making the request.

Response: XML for the activation. This is relevant to BigFix 9.2 and later.

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd

analysis/{site type}/{site name}/{analysis id}/activations
Deletes all activations for the specified analysis.

Request: URL is all that is required.

analysis/{site type}/{site name}/{analysis id}/activation/{activation id}
Gets analysis activation details.

Request: URL is all that is required.

Response: Activation details.

Response schema: BESAPI.xsd.

analysis/{site type}/{site name}/{analysis id}/activation/{activation id}
Deactivates a specific analysis activation.

Request: URL is all that is required.