Archive Manager

The Archive Manager can upload a file with a location from a BigFix Client computer with a computer ID to the BigFix Server. Once uploaded, the file gets assigned a sequence ID.

Sequence IDs are assigned as sequential integer numbers. When a file gets uploaded again on the BigFix server, it receives a new sequence ID.

This REST API allows you to list, retrieve or remove the uploaded files.

Returns a list of files uploaded by the Archive Manager.

Request: The URL is all that is required.

By default, the information will be returned in XML format. If you need the information in JSON format, add output=json to the request.

You can reduce the amount of information returned in the response using the filter query parameters, as described in Filtering Response Parameters.

Response: Information on files uploaded by the Archive Manager.

For example, this call:

May return this XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BESAPI xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BESAPI.xsd">
    <ArchiveManagerFile Resource="">
    <ArchiveManagerFile Resource="">

For example, this call:

May return this JSON:

        "FileName": "(LOG)_0_dexreports_copy.json",
        "FileLocation": "\u002f93\u002f1085412093\u002f(LOG)_0_dexreports_copy.json",
        "FileSize": 1737,
        "ComputerId": "1085412093",
        "Sha256Checksum": "c6164fc55a554ac3cdfe2f3185d6f1d3f994988b2c2383227195dd8176a1739f",
        "Sequence": 196234,
        "FileReceivedAt": 1704877670000000
        "FileName": "(LOG)_0_dexreports.json",
        "FileLocation": "\u002f93\u002f1085412093\u002f(LOG)_0_dexreports.json",
        "FileSize": 1737,
        "ComputerId": "1085412093",
        "Sha256Checksum": "c6164fc55a554ac3cdfe2f3185d6f1d3f994988b2c2383227195dd8176a1739f",
        "Sequence": 196108,
        "FileReceivedAt": 1704877670000000

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd

Returns the latest file item uploaded by the Archive Manager.

Request: The URL is all that is required.

By default, the information will be returned in XML format. If you need the information in JSON format, add output=json to the request.

You can reduce the amount of information returned in the response using the filter query parameters, as described in Filtering Response Parameters.

Response: The information about the file uploaded by the Archive Manager in XML or JSON format.

For example, this call:

May return this XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BESAPI xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BESAPI.xsd">
    <ArchiveManagerFile Resource="">

For example, this call:

May return this JSON:

        "FileName": "(LOG)_0_dexreports_copy.json",
        "FileLocation": "\u002f93\u002f1085412093\u002f(LOG)_0_dexreports_copy.json",
        "FileSize": 1737,
        "ComputerId": "1085412093",
        "Sha256Checksum": "c6164fc55a554ac3cdfe2f3185d6f1d3f994988b2c2383227195dd8176a1739f",
        "Sequence": 196234,
        "FileReceivedAt": 1704877670000000

Response Schema: BESAPI.xsd

Returns the actual files uploaded by the Archive Manager.

Request: URL is all that is required.

You can reduce the number of files returned in the response using the filter query parameters, as described in Filtering Response Parameters.

You can delete the requested files by adding the deleteFiles=true in the URL. The files will be automatically deleted from the BigFix Server and DB after the request completed successfully.

Response: The response is a message with Content-Type: multipart/mixed, which consists of one or more parts separated by a boundary. Each part starts with a set of header fields, followed by the contents of a file. The Content-ID field contains the computer ID associated with the computer from which the file was uploaded to the BigFix server. See the Multipart Content-Type W3C definition.

For example, this call:

May return this:

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="YsY2JDKvhN7JqX'(N?xf/wseczPT49R_"

Content-ID: 1085412093
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="(LOG)_0_example1.txt"; size=39

file 1 line 1
file 1 line 2
end file line
Content-ID: 1085412093
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="(LOG)_0_example2.txt"; size=39

file 2 line 1
file 2 line 2
end file line
Returns the file uploaded by the Archive Manager at {filelocation}.

Request: URL is all that is required.

{filelocation} is represented by the last 2 digits of ComputerId/ComputerId/FileName for example:


If the ComputerId last two digits start with zero, only the second digit is part of the {filelocation}. You can delete the requested file, adding the deleteFiles=true in the URL. The file will be automatically deleted from the BigFix Server and DB after the request completed successfully.


  • HTTP 200 - Returns file content in body of response.
  • HTTP 400 - Returns error message in body of response.

The response HTTP Headers will be filled-in as follow:

  • ComputerId: id of computer
  • FileName: file name
  • FileLocation: file location
  • FileSize: file size
  • Sha256Checksum: file sha256 checksum
  • Sequence: sequence number registered for this file
  • FileReceivedAt: timestamp when file has been received by BES

For example, this call:

May return this response:

Response HEADER 
FileLocation: /93/1085412093/(LOG)_0_example.txt
FileName: (LOG)_0_example.txt
FileReceivedAt: 1705501403104826
FileSize: 39
Sequence: 201682
Sha256Checksum: b7960ed1a4927b904c6e3c7b264fa2fe0f6f03b82998a944f4e2076ab5b73172

Response BODY 
file line 1
file line 2
end file line
Deletes a set of files uploaded by the Archive Manager.

Request: URL and the fileLocationContains parameter are both required. The fileLocationContains parameter is mandatory to prevent that all the uploaded files are automatically deleted when using this API.


You can further reduce the number of files deleted by using the filter query parameters, as described in Filtering Response Parameters.

For example, this call:

Will delete the uploaded files whose location contains dexreports.

Deletes the file uploaded by the Archive Manager at {file_location}.

Request: URL is all that is required

For example, this call:

Will delete the uploaded file whose location contains dexreports.

Privileges required to run the Archive Manager APIs

These REST APIs can be run only if you are logged on as Master Operator (MO).

Sorting Response

The response always returns the items of the resource collection in an ascending order, ordered by sequence number.

Filtering Response Parameters

You can use the query parameters to limit the items returned for a given resource when using the API resources /api/archivemanager, /api/archivemanager/latestFile and /api/archivemanager/files. Use these query parameters to define the filter:

  • fileLocationContains is a parameter with a string value that represents a piece of file location. When used, the request will only return files whose location contains that string. For example, setting fileLocationContains=dexreports makes the REST API only return files with dexreports in their location.
  • fileLocationStartsWith is a parameter with a string value that represents a piece of file location. When used, the request will only return files whose location starts with that string. For example, setting fileLocationStartsWith=/13/1616782313/dex makes the REST API only return files with a location that starts with /13/1616782313/dex.
  • computerId is a parameter with an integer value that represents a computer ID. When used, the request will only return files uploaded by the computer with that ID.
  • sequenceGreaterThan and sequenceLessOrEqualTo are two parameters with integer values that delimitate the exclusive start and the inclusive end of a linear sequence of numbers. When used, the response will only return files whose IDs are within that range. For example, setting sequenceGreaterThan=5 and sequenceLessOrEqualTo=10 makes the REST API only return files with an ID in the sequence 6,7,8,9,10.
  • maxResults is a parameter with an integer value used to include in a response only the first N items of a resource collection.

These are some example of filtering results using the above parameters:

GET /api/archivemanager?fileLocationContains=dexreports&computerId=12345
GET /api/archivemanager/latestFile?fileLocationContains=dexreports&sequenceLessOrEqualTo=2123
GET /api/archivemanager/files?fileLocationContains=dexreports&sequenceGreaterThan=23000&sequenceLessOrEqualTo=23147
DELETE /api/archivemanager/files?fileLocationContains=dexreports&sequenceGreaterThan=23000&sequenceLessOrEqualTo=23147