bes action
The <bes action> inspectors are used to access information about the actions which have been issued by the BES Operators. You can iterate over the actions to create lists. Each action may have several properties that can be examined.
Version | Platforms |
8.0.584.0 | Session |
For a multiple action group, there is a checkbox in the Take Action > Execution tab that controls whether the Action group should fail as soon as any member Actions fail, or continue to run the subsequent Actions in the group. This inspector returns True
if the flag is set to continue.
Version | Platforms |
8.0.584.0 | Session |
Returns a <string> that can be embedded into an <A> tag that, when clicked, will open the given action's document (in the BES Console) or description page (in Web Reports). Note that link href returns a normal string, not an HTML string.
Version | Platforms |
8.0.584.0 | Session |
Some Fixlets allow the Console Operator to customize the Action. When they are triggered, the BES Console displays a dialog prompting the user for certain Action parameters. For a given Action, this inspector returns value of the parameter specified by <string>.
Version | Platforms |
8.0.584.0 | Session |
Returns the <time interval> object that represents the amount of time to wait before retrying after a failure. If the action is not set to delay for a time interval before retrying then this will return a "non-existent" error.
Version | Platforms |
8.0.584.0 | Session |
If the specified action is targeted by list, then this returns the relevant BES computer names, concatenated into a single string.
Note: Starting from BigFix version 9.0, this inspector returns no value because, due to an internal code change, actions targeted by computer name became targeted by computer ID.
Version | Platforms |
8.0.584.0 | Session |
Returns the comments assigned to the specified BES Action.