
This command copies the source file to the named destination file. The copy command fails if the destination already exists or if the copy fails for any other reason such as when the destination file is busy.

Version Platforms
8.0.584.0 AIX, HP-UX, Mac, Red Hat, SUSE, Solaris, Windows
8.1.535.0 Debian, Ubuntu


copy <source> <destination>


This command copies the file to the bigsoftware folder.

copy "{name of drive of windows folder}\" "{name of drive of windows

This pair of commmands deletes the target file if it exists before it performs the copy action.

delete "c:\windows\system\windir.dll"
copy " __Download\windir.dll" "c:\windows\system\windir.dll"

This command copies the file /test/my-file.txt to a file named /temp/ハロー in UTF-8 encoding under the site context.

binary name copy {"/test/my-file.txt" as binary_string as hexadecimal} {("/temp/" as binary_string as hexadecimal) & "e3838fe383ade383bc"}

This command copies the file /test/my-file.txt into /var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/CustomSite_Fabio/ハロー in UTF-8 encoding.

binary name copy {"/test/my-file.txt" as binary_string as hexadecimal} e3838fe383ade383bc


It’s good practice to enclose file paths in quotes to preserve spaces. Without quotes, the file system will not be able to access files with spaces in the path or file name.