Update Fixlet

This command will generate a PUT request to update the fixlet found with the id of fixlet id under site type/site name, replacing it with an updated fixlet specified in update.xml.

  • site type is the type of the site containing the fixlet to be updated.
  • site name is the the name of the site containing the fixlet to be updated.

site type and site name can be inspected via GET /api/sites


curl -X PUT --data-binary @update.xml --user {username}:{password} https://{server}:{port}/api/fixlet/{site type}/{site name}/{fixlet id}


import requests
with open('update.xml', 'rb') as xml:
    r = requests.put('https://{server}:{port}/api/fixlet/{site type}/{site name}/{fixlet id}', auth=('{username}', '{password}'), data=xml)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BES xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BES.xsd">
        <Title>Updated Fixlet</Title>
        <Description><![CDATA[&lt;enter a description of the problem and the corrective action here&gt; ]]></Description>
        <Relevance>exists folder "C:\"</Relevance>
        <DefaultAction ID="Action1">
                <PreLink>Click </PreLink>
                <PostLink> to deploy this action.</PostLink>
            <ActionScript MIMEType="application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell">// Updated Action here</ActionScript>