Shell script

Web Reports has a generalized report format that can incorporate reports from content sites, allowing new reports to be added, edited, or removed. The report file must have the extension .beswrpt, and is written in XML:

   <Name>Report name</Name>
   <Description>Report description</Description>
   <Type>[TemplateReport] | [CustomReport] | [ExternalReport]</Type>
   <Category>Report category</Category>
   <Source>Report source</Source>
   <Data>Custom data or external URL</Data>

The .beswrpt file can also contain multiple reports in one xml file:

<BESWeb Reports>
</BESWeb Reports>

The Name, Category, and Source are listed in the basic report list, and Description shows if the question mark (?) next to it is clicked. If the category is blank, a suitable default is filled in, depending on the type of the report. A blank source just appears blank. URLParameters and Data depend on the Type tag. The type tag can be one of three strings, TemplateReport, CustomReport, or ExternalReport (case-sensitive).