What is New in the BigFix Version 11 Inspectors
This page lists, starting from BigFix Version 11, the added inspector types, and the constructors and properties added to the existing inspectors.
Version 11 Patch 2 Added Inspector Types
New inspector types named bes idp directory, bes idp directory server, bes idp directory set and bes idp directory with multiplicity were added to provide information about all identity providers added to the BigFix Server. The new inspectors also provide information about the new identity provider Microsoft Entra ID, introduced with BigFix Platform 11.0.2.
For details, see bes idp directory, bes idp directory server, bes idp directory set and bes idp directory with multiplicity
A new inspector type named large integer was added to the existing boolean inspector to support 128-bit signed integers.
For details, see large integer
Version 11 Patch 2 Added Inspector Constructor
A new inspector constructor named explorer service was added to the existing service inspector to provide access to the 'BESExplorer' service, if present.
For details, see service
Version 11 Patch 2 Added Inspector Properties
A new inspector property named display name of was added to the existing operating system inspector to return the OS name in a human readable format.
For details, see operating system
A new inspector property named linux of was added to the existing operating system inspector to verify if the computer is running Linux.
For details, see operating system
Version 11 Patch 1 Added Inspector Type
A new inspector type named uinteger was added to the existing boolean inspector to support the unsigned integers.
For details, see uinteger
Version 11 Patch 1 Added Inspector Properties
New inspector properties named device count and user count were added to the existing bes product inspector to support the new "User" metric available for BigFix Workspace licenses.
For details, see bes product
Version 11 Added Inspector Constructors
The Perl Compatible Regular Expressions syntaxes, introduced with BigFix Platform 10.0.8 and available on the Windows client, are now also supported on several Linux platforms. New inspector constructors named case insensitive perl regex, case insensitive perl regular expression, perl regex and perl regular expression were added to the existing regular expression inspector to support the Perl Compatible Regular Expressions syntaxes.
For details, see regular expression