
StoreSharedVariable is a SOAP method that allows a Web Reports administrator to insert a variable into the dashboard datastore of one or more databases being aggregated by Web Reports. You can save data into the database by using a script function, and retrieve that data with a session inspector. Each dashboard has its own name space, so it can use common names (such as settings) without causing name collisions with another dashboard. In addition, variables can be flagged as private, in which case they are visible only to a particular user. So a private settings variable stores the settings for a particular dashboard for a particular user. A shared settings variable stores the settings for a particular dashboard and is shared by all users of that dashboard.

If dashboards must share data with each other, they can. The dashboard ID can be specified in both the script function for writing variable data and in the session inspectors used to access that data, although typically it is expected that the current dashboard inspector is used to supply that ID. Note that this method requires request and response headers to authenticate.


Name Type Occurs Description
dashboardVariableIdentifier DashboardVariableIdentifier 1 A dashboard ID, variable name, and optional database ID that identify the dashboard variable to be inserted.
variableValue string 1 The value to insert for the variable.

Return Values

Name Type Occurs Description
success boolean 1 True if variable was successfully inserted, otherwise false.

Request example:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
      <h:RequestHeaderElement xsi:type="LoginHeader"
   <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      <StoreSharedVariable xmlns="">

Response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <bf:ResponseHeaderElement xmlns:bf="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <StoreSharedVariableResponse xmlns="">