Database API
The Database API consists of a set of SQL views that ship with the BigFix SQL database. These views enable applications to query the database directly by using MSSQL-compatible interfaces such as ADO or ODBC. A typical application might be a Perl cgi program that creates an HTML report for online viewing. Perl uses the database Interface (dbi) to connect to the SQL database. Any programming language that has an ODBC interface can be used to access the database.
The SQL format of the database makes it easy to create various views of the tables, including Fixlet, action, computer, and retrieved property tables. With a few simple SELECT commands, you can create filtered and sorted views of the various databases. These can be used to prepare custom reports, audit trails or capture snapshots of the environment.
Access to the database for the SELECT commands listed here is granted to all authorized users of the Console. Because these views are intended for output only, users are not able to update, delete, or otherwise modify the database with this API. For information about how to create actions and tasks that might modify the database, see the Server API.