logical volume

A logical volume consists of an array of identically sized logical partitions. The partition size of a logical volume is determined by the volume group that contains it, and is the same as the volume group's physical partition size. Contiguous logical partitions within a logical volume may map to discontiguous physical partitions, possibly distributed across multiple physical volumes. A logical volume may be configured so that its logical partitions are mirrored to protect data from hardware failures. Mirroring may be configured so that each logical partition maps to either 2 or 3 physical partition mirrors.

Version Platforms
8.0.584.0 AIX


logical volume <string> of <volume group> : logical volume
logical volume of <filesystem> : logical volume
logical volume of <volume group> : logical volume


label of <logical volume> : string
maximum partition count of <logical volume> : integer
minor number of <logical volume> : integer
mirror count of <logical volume> : integer
name of <logical volume> : string
partition count of <logical volume> : integer
volume group of <logical volume> : volume group


<logical volume> as string : string