
This quick tutorial provides you with an introduction to Relevance languagage, its general structure, and hands-on practice on writing your first Relevance queries. It would take you about 20 minutes to complete.

The Relevance language forms the basis for most Bigfix content. It can be found in Computer Properties, and in Fixlets and Tasks.

Computer Properties are just evaluations of a Relevance query. Whether or not Fixlet messages or Tasks appear relevant in the Bigfix Console is dictated by Relevance clauses, which are written in the BigFix Relevance Language. A Fixlet message may contain many relevance clauses, all of which must return True for it to become relevant for a certain computer. An expression will only lead to a Fixlet message becoming relevant if it successfully evaluates to True.

This quick tutorial introduces the most common Relevance features. Use the embedded online Relevance evaluator to practice writing Relevance queries. You can use the QNA program or the Online Evaluator as well to run your queries. The tutorial also guides you to navigate through other resources found in this website.

After completing the tutorial, you should be able to read and write common Relevance queries, and make use of available resources to learn more advanced features.

Object Types

The Relevance Language is built upon a multitude of objects and their various properties. There are many types of objects (strings, integers, registry objects, versions, etc.), but sometimes it might be difficult to figure out which object type you have and which you need. It is useful to think of the Relevance Language in terms of objects and properties. Most queries are properties of an object that produce another object.

The Reference section lists down all available Relevance object types. Let's take environment variable for our example. As you can see under environment variable reference page, there are three sections: Creation, Properties, and Casts. Some other object types might have an additional section called Operators.

The Creation section shows you all the ways you can produce an "environment variable" object. For example, you can run a query of the form:

variable <string> of <environment>

where the <string> is the name of the environment variable, and <environment> is the object corresponding to the environment. The following query returns you environment variable "PATH":

  • Q: variable "PATH" of environment
  • A: PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  • T: environment variable

You can also get a list of all your environment variables by typing:

  • Q: variables of environment
  • A: HOME = /root
  • A: HOSTNAME = cdd0565da555
  • A: NODE_ENV = production
  • A: PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  • A: PORT = 5002
  • T: environment variable

If you have doubts about how to create an environment object, you can look up the reference page for environment object, and look at the Creation section. As it turns out, you create an environment object by just writing "environment".

Notice the difference in plurality of variable between the two relevance clauses. Use the singular form when expect exactly one result, and use the plural form otherwise. See the guide on Singular and Plural for more details.

You can query the various properties of the environment variable object. To return the name or value of the environment variable, use the following commands respectively:

  • Q: name of variable "PATH" of environment
  • A: PATH
  • T: string
  • Q: value of variable "PATH" of environment
  • A: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
  • T: string

Some object types are converible to other object types by using the keyword as. This conversion is called Casting. For instance, you can cast an integer to string as follows:


Evaluate the query and notice that the returned type is "string" instead of "integer". You can find under a reference page's Casts section the list of the data types to which an object can be casted.

Tip: To quickly look up all the properties, use the Inspector Search.

Practice with QNA

Using the reference pages of rpmdatabase and its properties, try to write a relevance that returns the version of the rpm package "libxml2".

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versions of packages "libxml2" of rpm

Tip: You can also click Ctrl-Enter while typing the relevance to have it evaluated.

Note: Many data types do not have a representable text format. They would give your an error message about unrepresentable object, or operator "string" not defined. The relevance is still evaluated successfully in this case.

Relevance in Fixlet

In Fixlet messages, Relevance expressions are used to determine whether the Fixlet is applicable to an endpoint. Thus the Relevance must return a Boolean value (either True or False). Although there are a few inspectors that return a Boolean value, there are two main ways to obtain a Boolean value: existence and comparison. You will use one of these tools in most relevance clauses.


In its most basic form, a relevance expression can check for the existence of an object on the users' computer. Let's say that you want to write a Fixlet that must be relevant on all computers where a "hosts" file is located in the "/etc" folder. This is the query that you can run to evaluate the Fixlet relevance:

  • Q: exists file "/etc/hosts"
  • A: True
  • T: boolean

The file "/etc/hosts" defines a file object. The result of the exists operator is a Boolean value. In this case, the query returns True if the file exists or False if it doesn't. Therefore, a Fixlet message with the following relevance clause as applicability relevance, would cause all computers with the file "/etc/hosts" to report as relevant. You can also check for a folder using a similar syntax:

  • Q: exists folder "/var/tmp"
  • A: True
  • T: boolean

The guide page on the Exists keyword provides you with more usage examples.

Practice with QNA

Write a Relevance expression that returns True if the "/var/log" folder contains one or more files.

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exists files of folder "/var/log"


The second basic form of a Relevance clause involves the comparison of two expressions. This is an example of this form that uses the equal sign as comparator: „

  • Q: number of processors = 1
  • A: True
  • T: boolean

The result of the query is True if both expressions are equal to each other, and False otherwise. Different object types have different comparison operators. In the above example, the "equal" sign compares an integer object, the result of the number of processors expression, to another integer. You can find the list of comparision operators for each object type under the "Operators" section of its reference page. For example, reference page for version shows that you can perform the following comparisions between a version object and another version object, or between a version object and a string: <, <=, =, >=, >.

Practice with QNA

Modify the previous relevance to compare the "libxml2" rpm version to "2.9.1". Your relevance should return True if the rpm version is higher than or equal to "2.9.1".

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(version of package "libxml2" of rpm) >= "2.9.1"

Advanced Relevance syntax

The previous sections provided you with the basic Relevance language features and the resources to explore all the available Relevance object types. This section introduces a more advanced syntax to help you understand the full capability of the Relevance language.

Whose/It – Filtering a list

In the previous examples, you retrieved all the files of a folder, or a file with a specific file path, but you didn't select files with a certain characteristic. To do this, you must use a special syntax built into the Relevance Language using the keywords whose and it. First, let’s start with a general list:


This result of this query is the list of all the files contained in the "/etc" folder. If, instead of getting all the files, you want to get the files whose filename ends with ".conf", you must use the whose clause. Let's see how:


This clause iterates through all the files in the folder and returns only the files for which the whose clause returns True. In this example, it refers to each file in the "/etc" folder. If you are wondering how ends with is used, check out the reference page for string. You will see that ends with is also an operator, similar to >= used in the previous example.

You can learn more about the whose clause in this guide page and by watching the following video.

Practice with QNA

From the previous exercise, one way to check for the condition on the rpm package version is (version of package "libxml2" of rpm) >= "2.9.1". However, this query assumes that the rpm package "libxml" exists on the system. In fact, the query returns Error if the package doesn't exist. Rewrite this query using the exists keyword and the whose clause so that the query returns True if both conditions are true, that is the package "libxml2" exists and its version is greater than or equal to "2.9.1". It has to return False otherwise, that is if the package doesn't exist, or its version is lower than "2.9.1".

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exists packages "libxml2" whose (version of it >= "2.9.1") of rpm

Using "it" without a "whose"

The keyword it can also be used outside of a whose clause to refer to each single element of previous object. For instance,

  • Q: it of files of folder "/etc"

is the same as

  • Q: files of folder "/etc"

A common use of it is to retrieve multiple properties of an object. The following Relevance returns file name and size of the files:


This query also makes use of a new object type called "tuple". A tuple is a compound type composed of two or more other types. Evaluate the relevance above and notice its returned type. For more information about tuples, read its Guide and watch the following video.


The Relevance langauge also supports If/Then/Else clause to return different objects depending on whether a condition evaluates to True or False. The general syntax is:

if <conditional-expression> then <expression1> else <expression2>

Both <expression1> and <expression2> must have the same type, and <conditional-expression> must be a singular boolean. For more information, see the If/Then/Else guide and watch the following video.

The following query returns the string "Yes" if the rpm package "libxml2" exists, and "No" otherwise:

  • Q: if (exists packages "libxml2" of rpm) then "Yes" else "No"
  • A: Yes

Practice with QNA

Modify the previous query to return the package version if the package is available, or "No package" otherwise.

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if (exists packages "libxml2" of rpm) then (version of it as string) of packages "libxml2" of rpm else "No package"

Hint: You might need to use the type casting to have the same object type for both <expression1> and <expression2>.

Congratulations! You have practiced with most of Relevance language features.

To learn more about each feature, read their detailed Guides. To further explore the Relevance object types, use the Reference, the Inspector Search, and the Online Evaluator. If you encounter any error, look up this Errors guide.

For other questions, join our Bigfix forum and post your questions under the Content Authoring category.